Has your vision board failed to fulfil it’s promise? Are you still waiting for it to come true?

Recently a client said to me:  “I’d like to make another Intuitive Vision Board although I’m still waiting for the last one to come true.”

“Wait a minute”, I said to her. “I remember you wrote to me about a result you’d had.  Did you forget about that innocuous garden shed with the colourful bunting on your board?  What it prompted you to do and what came from it?   

“Remember how it made you look twice at the disused shed in your neighbour’s garden and ask her if you could take it on, do it up and use it as a coaching studio – and she agreed? 

“Consequently you invested in a Conscious Parent training programme and started coaching families from there.  It seems to me that was a significant shift brought about by your vision board, which you’ve forgotten about.

“Perhaps, more importantly, we should be raising again the major obstacle in your life that continues to surface during our coaching conversations. You know what it is – and less you forget about it again, you placed a distinct motif on your vision board to remind you of it.  

“The full potential of your Intuitive Vision Board won’t be fully realised until that stumbling block is addressed – and only you can do it.  Sorry to be so blunt about it but it’s you that’s getting in your own way.”

Don’t blame your vision board for not fulfilling its promise if it’s you that’s getting in your own way

Maybe you are ready to make an Intuitive Vision Board (IVB). 
Ready to explore other pathways above and beyond your current life trajectory. 
Prepared to contemplate alternative points of view that can add forward momentum to your life.

However, creating your IVB is only the first part of the story.  Certainly it reveals the land of possibility that lies ahead.  The beat of lifeforce energy drum that wants to reverberate through you.  The gift of potential waiting there for you specifically to take advantage of. 

Part two of the story is up to you.  Will you actually do what’s required of you. 
You always have a choice – whether to engage with the energy that’s inviting you, or deny yourself the opportunity it represents.  If you choose to do nothing, it’s not the vision board that’s holding you back.  It’s you.

Try not to shy away from any images that have appeared on your vision board but you feel ambivalent about.   Those you’re attracted to but also cause you to pull back. The stronger your aversion, the more likely there is something important in the image for you to grasp which can only reveal itself in time.

It could be the image is signifying an obstacle to your progress, but you resist addressing it because the prospect daunts you.  This is your particular growth edge and can feel scary because the ground is unfamiliar. You won’t know what treasure lies beyond that stumbling block until you take a step towards it.

What’s causing you to back off the image is fear of the consequences.  This was certainly the case for my client above.  But these hesitations are only thoughts and judgements based on past experience or inherited fears, clouding your view of the outcome, which in truth might bear little resemblance to what actually happens.  False, Evidence, Appearing, Real. You won’t know the actual outcome unless you try.

Not that the creative potential nesting in your intuitive vision board will mind too much if you’re not up for it.  It will simply move on until it finds someone else to collaborate with to bring this particular idea into form.  Someone who is more determined, more focused and braver than you are to act on the intuitive insights received. 

The game plan was laid out for you.  It’s no good lamenting that your vision board didn’t work when you are the one that robbed yourself of its wisdom. 

Redemption is still possible however.

May I suggest you take a look at your vision board now if you have one.  Single out any image that troubles you and contemplate the thoughts and feelings that you associate it with.  Follow your instincts and see where they take you, without deciding in advance that you know where they are leading. 

Capture your thoughts in writing.  You don’t need to know what they mean right away.  Trust that the meaning will emerge quicker when you let go of pestering for the answers. 

The most important thing is that you take action in the way the image is prompting you to do, even if it’s not linear or logical.

If you’re still concerned your vision board isn’t delivering its promise then do BOOK AN INTUITIVE READING with me and let’s see what we can uncover.

Or take dedicated time for yourself to make a new vision board with me at a VIP WORKSHOP, either online or in-person together. 

“Thank you Mary for an absorbing review of my recent Intuitive Vision Board.  I feel excited and inspired by what  nestles within and how it may unfold over the coming months.  This is the fourth vision board I’ve created with Mary and they always have a habit of revealing captivating ideas and deeper truths.”

Helen Krag, Hurley, Berkshire