What better date to celebrate Ma than on Mother’s Day
In celebration of Mothering Sunday in the UK lets honour Ma.
Not Ma as in Ma & Pa kettle.
But Ma as one of the four Japanese words for space.
The particular quality of Ma is empty space; stillness.
Ma is the downtime we desperately need to punctuate our busy lives and prevent us from burning out by being hyper-connected all the time.
It’s the space between the notes in music.
The gaps between the words on the page.
The pause in conversation.
Ma promotes interruptions, absences and disentanglements in which differences can be reconciled and new possibilities emerge.
It’s the pure and unrealised potential that unobtrusively infiltrates everyday living and shapes what we make and do when we make allow for it.
Make space for change
Ma is super-important to me personally and valuable to the work I do. In Feng Shui Ma makes and creates space for change. With intuitive visioning we start by creating the crucible into which the vision arrives by quietening the intellect first.
Ma fosters serendipity – when unexpected and unplanned for good luck occurs as when you stumble across valuable or agreeable people and situations unintentionally.
Ma harbours the landscape in which synchronicity happens – in which circumstances cojoin and become meaningfully related yet lacked any causal connection or explanation for doing so beforehand.
More Ma
If you are indeed a Ma and not able to celebrate with your family today then steal some Ma time for yourself beyond the obvious form of meditation.
Walk in nature.
Soak in a bath
Sketch in the garden.
Climb a tree.
Study pond life.
Sit by the fire listening.
Make a jigsaw.
Knit a scarf.
Create a collage.
Move freely to music.
Wishing you much peace and contentment in whichever you choose to celebrate Ma on Mothering Sunday – or any Sunday for that matter.
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