Discover how Feng Shui and the lost art of living mindfully can improve the prospects for everyone by enhancing the environments in which you spend of your most time together.
Discover Feng Shui and the lost art of living mindfully
At the heart of this ancient practice is a solid core of common sense and applied wisdom. Feng Shui is the art of living mindfully and designed to improve the prospects of everyone under the same roof.
A building has a similar function to your body: it is there to support you in leading a rich and satisfying life. However, it can only serve this purpose when you take the time and trouble to nurture it in turn.
When your body is run down you become ill more easily. Insufficient rest, poor diet, inadequate sleep, and too much stress can contribute to this by throwing the body out of balance.
When you neglect – or make gross changes to – your home, unaware that it is living system too, it can react in a similar way to the body; it gets sick. You may notice that things things go awry both inside your home and where you work affecting your affairs generally.
Discover Feng Shui when?
Pay particular attention to your environment when these changes are afoot:
Career is unsettled, your job is changing
Flow of money needs a boost
Relationships are in conflict or flagging
Remodelling a room or building an extension
Designing a new home or office building
Planning to sell your house
Moving home or relocating the office
Discover the lost art of living mindfully – Feng Shui
Literally translated Feng Shui means ‘wind and water’, which will make more sense to you shortly.
It was originally an oral tradition that has been practised for over 3000 years in China, predating Confucius and the Tao as a body of knowledge. Other ancient civilisations also had their version of Feng Shui, which they lived by.
Early Feng Shui experts were consulted to determine the best sites for homes and villages. They looked for evidence of where the life-force energy, called Ch’i in Feng Shui, was most vibrant and flowed in a manner which supported life.
Our ancestors lived in much closer relationship to nature. It was perfectly normal to want to be in tune with nature and decipher the language of the land intuitively; the environment was known to be a living entity and every physical feature told a story about the quality of Ch’i which it was imbued with. People located their homesteads with consideration and built in a manner, which did not upset the natural habitat or adversely affect the movement of Ch’i.
Early Feng Shui practitioners were not scientists
This is hard for us to comprehend today, which is why some are quick to label Feng Shui as superstitious. That’s because our prevailing ‘superstitions’ are almost solely scientifically based.
Early Feng Shui practitioners were not scientists. They had a very pragmatic approach to life, based on their observations of what worked and what didn’t – and the effect it had on people. They also had a well-developed intuitive and mystical faculty and were very adept at reading the signs.
Feng Shui practitioners today adopt much the same approach although many of our clients do not live in close proximity to nature so it’s not surprising their living systems get out of balance easily.
Contemporary Feng Shui
The average person is a long way off even noticing where they live beyond the shops, the school, and the patch of green where they can walk the dog. We barely know what is under our feet because concrete covers most populated areas.
When asked where the nearest natural water supply is, the closest hill to their home, or where the sun rises and sets – all of which still affect the quality of Ch’i arriving at our homes – most people are at a loss to have the answers.
Today’s Feng Shui practitioners are investigating very different scenarios to their predecessors. Most of the time we’re diagnosing buildings that exist rather than advising on the creation of new structures. Our intentions are still the same – to improve our clients’ prospects by cultivating the health, prosperity, and happiness of the inhabitants by the arrangement of their homesteads.
Iguazu Falls
Feng Shui and the lost art of living mindfully
The art of living mindfully with the Feng Shui is based on three fundamental principles. Alive. Connected. Dynamic.
These are not exclusive to Feng Shui and are shared by other spiritual teachers, holistic practitioners, and not the least, quantum physicists.
Common to all is the understanding that non-visible life-force energy is omnipresent. Ch’i animates, connects and moves through everything, including objects that appear entirely solid.
1. Everything is alive
Even an inanimate object like a sofa, which appears lifeless and immobile, is still endowed with Ch’i of a certain quality and quantity. It is composed of millions of particles in motion even though it looks static. That’s why it’s so important to choose the objects you have around you with care. The fact you inherited a vase or it was given to you should not justify its continued existence, unless you love the sight of it too.
2. Everything is connected
You are part of the interconnected web of life. Man is not an island. You affect and are affected by everything around you. This means choosing your neighbourhood and your surroundings wisely because the Ch’i emanating from them will impact you. Since you can’t up and move stick easily or get rid of your neighbours, this means doing what you can to minimise the more unsavoury influences around you.
Inside our buildings negative influences we can control is clutter. That over-crowded cupboard at the entrance to the home can have a restrictive and irritating ripple-effect on the entire space. The skyline of over-filled filing cabinets in the centre of the office can have a choking effect on the whole business.
3. Everything is dynamic
Ch’i is dyamic, constantly in a state of flux and movement. This includes both the Ch’i inside your body as well as in your environment. Your home and office can get stuck in a time warp if you’re not careful and pull you back into old patterns of behaviour you’d like to outgrow.
You’d do well to lighten up where and how you live and not allow yourself to become entrenched by the status quo.
Let your space change and dance in the moment and with the movement of life.
Let your environment be the outward expression of your inner aspirations to be in alignment; as without so within. To live otherwise is to have one foot in the past and the other in the future you aspire to but is never attainable.
Feng Shui improves prospects
Here are 5 sure-fire, attention-seeking hot spots to enhance the Feng Shui around you to improve prospects.
- Declutter obstacles in the way
- Unblock thresholds to the flow of Ch’i
- Move furniture around for optimum location
- Balance architectural problems like missing corners
- Soften harsh angles emitting cutting Ch’i
Mary Nondé
Mary is an Intuitive Feng Shui practitioner and passionate about ensuring we create our living and working environments mindfully. She has trained in the Western School of Feng Shui and with Denise Linn, USA and has been working in homes and offices since 1995.
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