Leizl doubles her brain power and achieves a breakthrough
There are two halves to the brain and when you use both you double your brain power. By neglecting one in favour of the other we create a bias. When actions are driven exclusively by the logical left-side of the brain, which is what happens for many, it can leave you high and dry on a sandbank. When actions include the creative, right-side of the brain, which doesn’t happen so often, it can lead to a breakthrough. Liezl’s story illustrates the point.
Liezl was stuck
For as long as I’ve known Liezl she was stuck. Her left-brain was sending her around in circles, debating how to get out of the trap of a full-time job that consumed her time and depleted her energy. At the same time she had yet to discover something worthwhile she really wanted to do.
She came to the Intuitive Vision Board workshop to awaken the right-side of her brain and see what light it would throw on the situation. One image alone did the trick.
“I’ve been wanting to set up an online shop so I could reduce my out-to-work hours by a half. This would enable me to do more things I really want to do. The product that had been assigned to me to sell online was a folding chair.
Around the same time I had the idea to create a space where children could spend time in constructive play under my supervision. I imagined a Waldorf-inspired setting because I used to teach in a Waldorf school. However, I was stuck at the first hurdle because I didn’t have the space to set up my teaching practice – so I’d let go.
Out walking the dogs the penny dropped. What if I were to use a wooden shed as my teaching space. Perhaps I could even rent the one in my neighbour’s back garden as she doesn’t seem to be using it.
Then I suddenly remembered the vision board I’d made months ago before Covid lockdowns brought me to a halt. I was shocked when I looked. Not only was there a shed on it but a folding chair too in front of it! The inspiration as to what I should do next was there all the time on my board waiting for me and the right circumstances to catch up with it.
Neglecting our intuition
Why is it then we are neglecting our intuition, particularly where it could come in very useful in situations that are unclear and uncertain?
If you’re like me it’s because nobody told you how in your formative years. Or that there were two halves to the brain that fulfilled different functions. Or showed you how to use both to double your brain power. For me the dawning came when I began an MA in Somatic Arts Psychotherapy.
I discovered there are significant physiological and behavioural differences between the two hemispheres of the brain, and they produce different results. The left-hemisphere is often referred to as the masculine side. The right-hemisphere referred to as the feminine side.
The decision you make will depend upon which one hemisphere was in charge at the time. When the two halves work together in unison as a whole brain, there’s romance and magic in the air.
Left verus right
Here are the differences between the two hemispheres.
Left-brain – logic dictates
moves fast and direct
wants quick results
is competitive
goal orientated
ignores sentimentality
The left-brain will talk you out of pursuing your softer goals, like attending a vegan cookery school, until your loftier goals, which it considers produces quantifiable results, have been achieved. He’s a tough task master that one.
Left-brain thinking is limited and disconnected from the bigger picture. It fails to consider that the vegan cookery school could produce exactly the right injection of vitality and stimulation you need to achieve your loftier goals with effortless ease. Or that by meeting a new crowd of people could set in motion a splendid string of synchronicity and coincidences to your advantage, which you can’t possibly calculate in advance.
Right-brain – intuition leads
moves are softer, slower and fluid
is not focused on the outcome; enjoys the process
operates independently; does not compare to others
poetic not prosaic
is infuriatingly illogical
The right-brain will ensure you include all those people, places and activities that make your heart and soul sing. Even if you’ve lost sight of what’s most important, you can be sure your right brain won’t let you forget them given the opportunity. Plus it can point out all those things you’re not yet consciously aware of which could serve you well if you pursued them.
For the best results it’s best to include both sides of the brain in your thinking. That way you’ll double your brainpower and achieve a breakthrough.
Vision board workshop
To make an intuitive vision board with me there are two options. The content is the same for both and the workshop duration is four hours. If you’re leaning towards privacy and facilitation dedicated to your needs then the private option is recommended.
Private workshop. In-person or online the fee is £350. Please drop me an email with your preferred dates/times. Or call me on 0782 7017188 to discuss.
Group workshop. Visit here for the current dates and to learn more about the workshop. Then reserve your place or put your name down for a future workshop.
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About Mary
A Feng Shui practitioner since 1995, Mary loves helping clients create a life they love from a space they love. Trained also as a Reiki Master, she works with energy to blend modern day ideas of well-being with traditional wisdom to promote happy, healthy harmonious environments and lives well-lived by all.