For an experience of expansion and freedom, it pays to follow your own Sun

Thank you for reading my account of my 2024 vision board that follows with its hidden secrets.  Perhaps it will encourage you to spend time with yours and discover further gems within it. 

I’ve seen thousands of vision boards and reviewed many with their creators.  If you would like me to do the same for you, please use this LINK to book a time that works best for you. 

Hidden secrets of my 2024 vision board

I sit expectantly before the vision board that has accompanied me this past year.  The time has come for me to reflect on my experiences and how – if at all – I see them mirrored on my board.  This prepares me for making a new Intuitive Vision Board (IVB), by completing with the existing one before creating the next.  

My current board caused quite an aversion in me when I first made it back in November 2023.  I judged it harshly – it was dark and saturated with colours that I don’t like particularly while lacking the lightness of touch, which would be more my style.  

I share these observations with you because, 19 Intuitive Vision Boards later, I still have an ego that feels justified in voicing its likes and dislikes as to what is on my board.   

My Ego likes to express its opinion, with no substance to it, other than its preferences shaped by past experiences and social-cultural expectations – neither of which are helpful to me in finding direction ot giving meaning to my life.  Nor do they give me the visionary perspective I most desire.

The preferences of the ego mind are not the font of higher wisdom and authority around here.  My aim with this visioning exercise is to offer myself as an empty vessel to the unified field and allow the superior intelligence of consciousness to create through me, providing focus and direction through the images selected on my behalf, the intuitive way.    

By keeping faith with my higher self, I stay aligned with the further expansion and freedom afforded by these opportunities.

Thankfully I’d made sure my ego had taken the morning off when I was creating the vision board, leaving my intuition in charge.  Without the latter, I wouldn’t have received the profound wisdom and guidance my deeper self has revealed, through the images I considered at first I ‘didn’t like’.    

What follows is my 2024 IVB narrative .  It’s long because there’s a lot for me to learn.  It’s detailed because the wisdom is in the detail.  And it’s shared to encourage you to probe futher into your own IVB, if you have one.  Or to understand the greater potential of this visioning method if you haven’t yet tried it for yourself.  

My 2024 Intuitive Vision Board (IVB) highlights

Stealthy Success

There are two words that jump out at me today – ‘Stealthy Success’ – so this is where I begin my review.  A white text reversed out on the shiny, black briefcase the man in the centre is carrying, although all we see of him are one hand and his feet.  Lady Amber is stood over him wearing two different coloured shoes. 

I tend to discourage words on an IVB because they don’t allow for the broader, individual interpretation in the eyes of the creator.  Moreover I didn’t choose this image because of the words but for the bag.  I discover these words are more suggestive than literal and this past year have reminded me not to dive in as soon as we arrived here in January but to hold back, take my time, watch and wait in order to pick up the vibe of where we are now living before deciding how I may best contribute to it.

Longing, imploring

The outstretched arm of Lady Black lining the base of the board expresses a yearning, a desire that reaches underneath and supports Lady Amber’s ‘stealthy success’.  The zig zag insertion in her arm represents Chi to me – life-force energy emanating from her heart to her outstretched hand and channelling the energy of her creative, intuitive right brain.  

Lady Black rests on a deep blue background, which I associate with the WATER element (from the 5 Elemental Archetypes as used in Feng Shui & Chinese medicine) and speaks of depth, intuition, and creative flow.  Reminding me that the source of my inspiration and energy must not come from the mind but my intuition.  

Red Lion

Lady Black touches Lady Red (the colour of energy and dynamism) who is gracefully and purposefully ascending the staircase.  Confident, composed and in no hurry it seems to me, it was only later I spotted her shadow to be a puma (an accompanying power animal).  Puma’s have earnt the nickname of red lion, appropriate for how she is dressed – and a colour I like that gives me energy when I wear it. 

Smart, intelligent and opportunistic, pumas have vision.  They can silently, calmly and patiently bide their time and be fearless, strong and dynamic in seizing these opportunities.  These puma qualities concur with the modus operandi of ‘stealthy success’ yet they are separate, unrelated photographs I’d pulled from magazines but found their way to associate together.

Follow the sun

Above the black bag bursting with stealthy success, Lady Amber is poised, determined and ready to go, following the sun rising over her, in a puma-like way.  Her body language begs the question:  Are you coming with me because I’m going anyway? 

The beautiful pendant next to Lady Amber resembles two satellite dishes, emitting and receiving from the centre – sitting powerfully and protectively over her heart and throat.  They speak to me of the union of the masculine and feminine – both within and without. 

Six weeks after making this board, my husband and I did indeed follow the sun.  An opportunity arose – or a chink in the armour whichever way you look at it, we took the risk, let go of our cottage in the middle of England and drove south without a fixed destination in mind.  However, with both our feet firmly planted on the ground (as shown by the two pairs on the vision board), we were united and serious in our intentions and now find ourselves living and looking directly over an expanse of English Channel and the sea only a minute from our door.   

Giant Moose

Strength, determination, and tenacity.  Moose is a sure-footed creature who stays grounded and focused on his goals, with plenty of strength and inner resources to sustain him through lean times and with antennae that keep him connected to spiritual guidance.  My husband certainly has the qualities of Moose. 

Moose also speaks to me of the masculine qualities I’ve needed to find within myself to match his for this project.  We did achieve our hearts desire but the journey to get there was demanding, bumpy at times, and cost us more than we’d bargained for financially and energetically.  So even when the goal is highlighted on the vision board to be attained, it doesn’t follow that it’s going to be easy. 

Almost home

The two images in the top left corner of my board came to represent the two-stage house move we embarked upon.  The Aga reminds me of the Airbnb we lived in.  Warm, earthy, cosy, homely, we rented a converted stable block on a farm for a month while searching.
The second image of the spiral staircase with white-washed walls depicts the climb to our new home – a lofty abode on the second floor.  No lift in this building in what was originally a 1920s hotel but the light and airy apartment we now enjoy more than compensates.

NB both images appeared on my IVB weeks before we began moving house and certainly before we had any idea where we might live next. 

Disappearing into earth

I love the image of the woman carrying a medicine bag about to be swallowed up by the tall grasses as she plunges into the depths of the earth.  It excites and motivates me to stay curious and reminds me to make time for my own voyage of discovery so I can top up my medicine bag and consolidate my discoveries in further writing and teaching. 

The sumptuous gold and purple apothecary adjacent is where she will thoughtfully ‘bottle’ and dispense her findings.  The purple patina of the counter matches the purple lounge suit the Lady above her in Purple is wearing.  The latter is a top Slovenian designer, resting back on an armchair, seated on a rug, both of which she has designed.  I only spotted the octopus on the rug much later, a creature close to my heart and the symbol of our marriage a year ago represented on our wedding cake. 

The counter below the earth burrow is also a dispensary of its kind – in our case for plant-based food.  Our breakfast bar resembles this image and we have lampshades almost identical to the ones in the photograph, which we keep banging our heads against!

Horse and rider

I’m not a horsey person but I value the bond between horse and rider.  In similar colours to Lady Amber, the rider is getting the horse ready to go.

While I have no great affinity to horses, I do resonate with the Celtic rune stone Ehwaz, associated with horse.  It looks like the letter ‘M’, my initial, and is associated with the number ‘17’, my birthdate and lucky number.  Horse depicts movement and progress – it heralds transit, transition and movement, physical shifts, new dwelling places, new attitudes or a new life.  An appropriate symbol to appear on my vision board at this time.

The importance of the environment in realising your dreams

As a Feng Shui practitioner I know how important the environment is to the realisation of dreams.  It was not a figment of my imagination that I was beginning to feel disheartened, unseen, in continuing to live in the middle of England.  The contrast with how I feel now – when faced daily with the openness and expansiveness of sea and sky – is enormous.  This is just the quality of energy a visionary needs – and I am aligned with it.

It reminds me of how spiritual leader, Eckhart Tolle, came to write ‘The Power of Now’.  Sitting alone in a church in Somerset, he asked for guidance as to how to expand his teaching.  A week later he had a distinct calling to move to the West Coast of America.  A few weeks later he flew to California.  No sooner had he arrived, from the back room of where he was staying, the ‘The Power of Now’ started coming to him – a book that has since sold over 16 million copies.  He and the book needed the liberal, open energy of the West Coast to come into form, with a message that would ripple outwards to the rest of the world. 

I can’t promise it will be the same for me in East Devon but I embrace whatever occurs.