Big skies, open spaces and forests by the sea were repeating motifs on all five of Cheryl’s intuitive vision boards – and now she has manifested them.

Cheryl came to my studio space beside the sea in East Devon to make her 5th Intuitive Vision Board (IVB). This is how she progressed through the four previous vision boards and encorporated Feng Shui to support and align with the unfolding vision.


When I first met Cheryl back in 2013 it was to visit her previous home in Maidenhead, Berkshire for a Feng Shui consultation.  I say ‘previous’ because in the summer of 2024 she sold the property at a very healthy asking price – and quickly too, which is great testimony to the value of having Feng Shui aligned with your home, coupled with right timing on her part. 

The Feng Shui brief had been to improve the space used for her healing practice, to address what to do about the large tree in the front garden over-shadowing the front door, and to arrange the spare room in a way to attract a lodger.  All this we addressed skilfully. 

Although a new relationship wasn’t a top priority, Cheryl was open to suggestions.  With this in mind I spotted the single armchair in the ‘power spot’ in the lounge, with a single soft toy in it, an area that corresponds to the ‘Relationship Corner’ of the room – and we actioned this to good effect. 

Cheryl manifesting her garden design business

In addition to Feng Shui, Cheryl began her journey through vision boards. The previous 4 boards had provided safe passage over the intervening years along with the inspiration and courage to follow the signs they had indicated. 

In particular, visioning provided her with strong pointers as to where to look for an additional, regular source of income alongside her healing practice.  Gardens were plastered all over two of her earlier boards giving the game away.  She had been gardening for 2 years when she envisioned upping her game by working with a garden designer.  That very same day, Cheryl took a call from another of my clients – a garden designer!  This introduction resulted in a match made in heaven – or should I say ‘made in a bed of roses’. 

This client’s IVB journeys  (4 in total) had revealed a corresponding desire to wind down her very successful garden design practice to make time to find her artistic expression in other ways – and Cheryl became a significant means of achieving this.  How’s that for twinned manifestation!

Vision Quest
Now, Cheryl’s recent visit for a 1-day Vision Quest with me, fitted in beautifully with her ongoing plans, as far as she could see.  Her intention was to stay open to ‘the calling’ on the winds of change and to follow her intuitive nose as to where this calling would lead.

[The Intuitive Vision Quest is a 4-part exploration for the individual which includes making a vision board along with the intuitive reading that accompanies it.  Plus the Quest serves to identify any current challenges that need to be worked through to achieve the vision, along with practical Feng Shui actions to align your vision with the environment in which it is to unfold.] 

I sat Cheryl down in the ‘visionary’ hotspot overlooking the sea to make her board.  Cheryl had brought her previous one and we reflected on how this board had materialised and how previous IVBs had helped her arrive at the gardening service she had been operating alongside her healing practice. 

Her unfolding story and plans are definitely worth heeding.  Bold, inspiring and courageous they are as she advocates for herself in her journey to self-actualisation. 

Prompted by recurring images of open spaces, big skies, forests bordering the sea, and wide sandy beaches, Cheryl is plunging in to her next major breakthrough.

With her property sold, she followed my example of 4 years ago – take a look at ‘Travelling Light.  Rather than store furniture that she wasn’t sure when – or if – she’d need in her next home, she sold off most except for some beds and a desk. 

The remainder of her personal effects went into storage while she herself moved into serviced accommodation for a couple of months to gather herself. 

From here she wound down her gardening business and will take her healing business with her, operating online where she can and until she is settled again. 

Her next leg of freedom is to spend the winter in a favourite spot she’d like to get to know better – Pembrokeshire, Wales.   From an AirBnB her plans will make many green with envy. 

Taking as long as she needs at her leisure, she imagines herself reading, writing, walking, practicing yoga, and undertake a training (in Astrological Energy Healing). She also wants to use the opportunity to pick up on two pastimes neglected since her youth – drawing and photography. 

And there’s more …

Once Spring 2025 arrives, she intends to buy a camper van and tour the coastlands of Scotland, the Outer Hebrides in particular, before joining her sister and family to live in the Findhorn area.  Or maybe by then she’ll have fallen so in love with Pembrokeshire that she will return there to live instead. 

The prospect of leaving behind the responsibility of caring for others, which falls disproportionately on women’s shoulders and have complete head space to yourself may sound like bliss.  That’s because it is. 

Hats off to Cheryl for claiming this opportunity by using her Intuitive Vision Boards and Intuitive Feng Shui.