Little did I know when the strange farmhouse appeared on my vision board I’d be moving into a converted barn behind it.
And why did I have to wait a year before moving into it?

Within a month of making my vision board this happened …
The Barn Cottage is situated in the tiny village of Hanwell in Oxfordshire, surrounded by 6 counties on all sides – Northamptonshire, Gloucestershire, Warwickshire, Wiltshire, Buckinghamshire, and Berkshire. It’s well and truly landlocked, as far from any UK coast as you can get. A year previous I was about to sign the rental contract for this cottage when a friend called me up and our conversation went like this:
“Why are you moving to Hanwell, Mary, when you’ve been talking about being by the sea?”
“Because I couldn’t think how to start looking for a property on the coast with Covid restrictions in force. I was staying at my friend’s home in Hanwell when The Barn Cottage came on the market. It seemed as good an option as any.”
“Well why don’t you go and live in our holiday home in Padstow, Cornwall instead. You can have it for a year. We have more than enough to do having moved into the new farm.”
As she said it I knew it was exactly what I needed to do, even though I didn’t know a soul in Cornwall. So within the month of making my vision board with the farmhouse in the country on, I’d moved into a timber cabin by the sea.
What went wrong then? Or rather, what went right?
For starters it was quite a year. I found love in Cornwall – see 2022-1-4-love-in-a-cornish-climate. I fell in love with the wild and windswept coastline, the glorious sea and I met Sailor Sam – all of which had featured prominently on the very same vision board. A good result I thought.
On one of the many occasions Sailor Sam and I found ourselves driving from the West Country to the South East of England for my work, Sailor Sam turned to me and said:
“Mary, don’t you think we should be living closer to where your clients are – for the time being at least?” He said it somewhat tentatively because he knew of my enormous attachment to Cornwall. Yet, as he uttered these immortal words, a sense of calm came over me, which I recognised as the quiet voice within – my intuition.
In the same breath the cottage in Hanwell flashed into my mind and I wondered whether it might be available. I text the landlord right away. I said we were visiting my friend in Hanwell for the weekend and, if the cottage was available, could we view it again. As luck would have it, the cottage had just gone back on the market again. And so here we are….

It’s elementary, my dear Watson (Sherlock Holmes)
In Feng Shui, one of the tools we use to harmonise a space to match the life requirements of its occupants is to by using the 5 Elements.
Living in Padstow, I’d been exposed constantly to changing tides, strong directional winds, and weather patterns moving in swiftly from the Atlantic. These gave me the WATER element in abundance. Compelling, stimulating and sometimes distracting. I was drawn to get out and about, lured into motion and exploration. I loved it – but, at the same time, it was not as conducive to visiting clients and running workshops.
But having endured a year of Covid, I welcomed this WATER energy and the freedom to flow enlivened my creativity after being confined.
But now – to capitalise on the work initiatives started but not seen through – I was ready to embrace the EARTH element and come to ground. How appropriate we’ve landed in the heartland of England, surrounded by fields. Grounding, foundational, settled – the EARTH element in abundance is exactly what I need now to grow my relationship with Sam and re-unite with clients and friends.
As with all new homes, The Barn Cottage is lovely but not perfect. I believe homes want us to fulfil their needs as much as we need them to fulfil ours – for safety, protection and security. We would do well to regard this as a symbiotic relationship and not a hijack. When we fail to fulfil our half of the bargain, the property will let us know. Whether things begin going awry in the house itself or, you begin experiencing challenges in your outer world, my advice would be to look within your four walls first to see what it is you can attend to.
Vision Board options
To make an intuitive vision board with me there are two options. The content is the same for both and the workshop duration is four hours. If you’re leaning towards privacy and facilitation dedicated to your needs then the private option is recommended.
Private workshop. In-person or online the fee is £350. Please drop me an email with your preferred dates/times. Or call me on 0782 7017188 to discuss.
Group workshop. Visit here for the current dates. Read more about the workshop here and then reserve your place or put your name down for a future workshop.
About me
As the originator of the Intuitive Vision Board, I can show you how to create your big picture and become your own best authority over the direction your life should take when you rely more on your intuition and less on your logic.
I should know this works even under duress. Once upon time a metaphorical hurricane whipped through my life and flattened the lot. Faced with a crisis of magnitude and blindsided by it, I created a new vision board. It was to be my lifesaver, providing solutions to my challenges in a way I would not previously have conceived possible.
I’m also the author of ‘Awaken Your Intuitive Vision – unlocking possibilities you never knew existed AVAILABLE ON AMAZON Or available to order from your local book store.
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