The value of the creative warm ups that precede the making of the Intuitive Vision Board lie in awakening the intuition.
Cultivating serendipity demonstrates the value of the creative warm ups that precede the making of an Intuition Vision Board. Each preparatory step holds magic, mystery and insight. In my book Awaken Your Intuitive Vision I describe the purpose of each of these preparatory steps. While there isn’t time during this experiential workshop to go into detail, I do touch upon their contribution to the overall success of the IVB and the psychic insights they reveal.
Here my client, Carla Delaney, a Broadcaster, describes her experience of the workshop and how all the ‘bits and pieces’ of the event came together in a crescendo of serendipity.
The value of the creative warm ups for Carla
“My visioning experience started even before the intuitive vision board event. I left home clutching six items for the creative warm up. These would enliven my more artistic right-brain to side-step the analytical left-brain I use every day.
“Selected at random I’d gathered up a collection of childhood, family and historic objects. I was particularly drawn to take an alabaster rock purchased in the Valley of the Kings I normally keep in a display cabinet. Wrapped in an Egyptian newspaper, it featured an illustration of a stunning Middle Eastern lady, which attracted me. Alabaster was deeply symbolic to the ancients who regarded white as the colour of death and used it in temples. The newspaper itself was nothing special.
MP David Amess RIP
“The intuitive significance of my selection only came to light during the group installation. My alabaster and foreign newspaper were teamed up with a House of Commons tin and a serenity prayer. This artistic grouping turned out to be prophetic, poignant and highly spiritual. The fatal stabbing of MP David Amess only the day before had shocked me personally.
“Unbeknown to Mary and the group, he was the kind and generous MP who championed a campaign I ran for a year highlighting dangerous glazing in homes. He debated it in the House of Commons in a witty and forthright way, highlighting 27,000 accidents and many deaths. This paved the way for sorely needed safety legislation. I hadn’t seen him for decades. Yet, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing that morning as the objects were unexpectedly presented by my fellow visionaries as if in homage to him.
Significance of animals
“Mary had also asked us to envisage an animal in our minds eye, its colour and what it was doing. This question was posed following a somatic meditation prior to the art installation process. Curiously for me a chameleon and turquoise sprung to mind when I’d more likely envisage my beloved Cavalier King Charles dog. I’ve since read in Mary’s Awaken Your Intuitive Vision book that turquoise is linked with throat chakra – identified with communication, speaking and listening. Hence my reawakened ability to listen to my intuition and my desire to detail that experience now!
“I also since researched that spiritually a chameleon can herald changing environments and a time when old tensions and frustrations can be lifted. This is so spooky because the vision board I went on to create seems to be exactly about that. At the time I simply had fun cutting out pictures which caught my attention and imagination. They were not chosen with any fore thought or intent. However I can see the board includes pictures associated with my hopes and dreams as well as things potentially blocking my path.
Meaning of butterflies
“I’d forgotten to bring magazines and was limited to the National Geographic and holiday, lifestyle and celebrity magazines provided. One had a cute photo of a Royal Princess holding a butterfly. It wasn’t the child who grabbed my attention but the butterfly. Some cultures revere them for their connection to transformation, good health and prosperity. In my family a butterfly captured the attention of a funeral congregation. We all thought it was extremely special as it flew above the coffin throughout the ceremony and we took it to be connected to the reincarnated soul.
“My board is completely different to previous ones. There is a lot of space on it and it is not crammed with pictures in the way some were that day. Who knows what the coming months will bring? Everything has been so uncertain in the past two years. Nothing is set in stone but it felt good to give myself the opportunity to dream big and to have a focus. And I will place my board prominently for future reference.
Concept versus intuitive vision boards
“At the beginning I overheard two people talking about how they had planned their board ahead of time. That was before being exposed to this unique process devised by Mary. She also brings her extensive knowledge of Feng Shui, spiritual awareness and Somatic Arts Psychotherapy to her coaching programme. Traditional vision boards were more like the concept boards used in the design world where advance planning is essential. Their end results were different, based on the pre-conceived notion of what they thought a vision board would be.
Perhaps only when you have gone through this intuitive process and discovered hidden depths buried in the mind do you recognise how real shifts in thinking occur and new potential can emerge. And for others it’s a foray into a new and interesting psychic realm that can be repeated again and again.”