How my intuitive vision board predicts love by the sea. A romance I had never planned on.

Finding love in a Cornish climate

As a seasoned vision board maker, I create a new board every year.  It’s my way of checking in with my intuition and receiving an energy forecast for the future year ahead.  As with Astrology, the intuitive vision board doesn’t predict but it shows what potential and possibility is in the air should I choose to take advantage of it.

In recent years Daniel Craig (alias James Bond) has appeared in different guises on my boards as well as a vintage Bond car.  Why this should be was a mystery.  I’m not particularly into Bond.

In Spring 2021 a dramatic turn of events occurred when Bond stepped out of my vision boards and appeared on the scene in person. My very own action man.  Body and craggy looks like Craig.  Trained to drive a car at speed, carry a gun and protect the innocent.

I was taken aback. It’s not as if I’d purposefully chosen Bond images so as to magnetise Bond into my life in a law of attraction way.  The images that had appeared came to me in an unplanned fashion.  

Intuition at work

If you’re a person who likes to control every aspect of their life, this approach to visioning and manifestation may feel too happenstance for your liking because the cognitive mind has to take a back seat to allow the intuitive mind to take over.

If, on the other hand, you are happy to be led down roads you’d never dreamed of, allowing your horizons to broaden in unimaginable ways, then this approach to intuitive visioning is for you.

The fact is everyone is capable of tuning into their intuition and reading the signs.  Mostly we don’t because

a) we’ve forgotten how to
b) we’ve never been shown in the first place, or
c) we don’t trust what we’re been shown.

Take a look at the highlights of 2021 as visualised on the Intuitive Vision Board I’d created 12 months earlier.  Take note of the synchronicity that can occur when you give your intuition a voice through creativity.

In the beginning

My Covid 19 years began in transition. My daughter had recently left home and faced with an empty nest I was giving myself a year to decide where to live next.

When pandemic ground us all, I spent the next 12 months sheltering a vulnerable friend from the Covid 19 storms.  As I came to make a new vision board, I was land-locked in the Cotswolds.  When it was time to move on, I’d plumped for a thatched cottage in the same village as my friend, which bore a remarkable resemblance to the one on my board made two months earlier (see top right).

I was about to move into the cottage when a good friend brought me up short:  “Mary, you’ve always wanted to return to the sea so why aren’t you going there now?”  And in the next breath she offered me her holiday home in Padstow, Cornwall for the whole year.  I couldn’t believe my good fortune.  Forfeiting a month’s rent to get out of the rental contract was a small price to pay, as we shall see as this love story unfolds.


One week later I am moving into a beautiful timber-frame cabin in Padstow when two pheasants strut across my path.  Recalling the pheasant (a symbol of luck and love) on my vision board, next to the bronze of the lovers in a passionate embrace, my eyes light up. This move could prove to be interesting I thought.  Perhaps a dashing pirate will appear on the scene like the character in Cornish author Daphne de Maurier’s Frenchman’s Creek.  I wasn’t far off as we shall see…


My first impression

Sitting down with my first mug of tea in the cabin, this was my first impression as I look out through the French windows.  My eyes spot the Doom Bar in the Camel Estuary and my jaw dropped.  It was almost identical to the view through the French windows on my vision board (top right) …

Alongside the Doom Bar on my vision board are a series of images – all of which I was to encounter in the flesh in the months ahead.

  • Rowing boats moored on a pebble beach. 
  • Sand dunes with marram grass. 
  • Colourful sea urchins. 
  • A vast collection of shells.
  • Salty Rick Padstein chips.

Strolling around Padstow harbour I glance across to the North Quay and my gaze climbs over the layered buildings lining the water front to my beautiful cabin protected by the trees.  It reminds me of the painting on my vision board I’d selected before a move to the coast appeared on the horizon.

Shells in long rows line the base of this harbour image and quite surprisingly I’ve found myself collecting shells and sea urchins over the past year.  Once the home of various sea creatures, there’s something of a metaphor here for me as I continue to ponder where I might settle next.

How often I’ve been drawn to ‘shell pink’ in clothing too.  A snug puffer coat. A soft feminine wrap. Cashmere gloves. PJs – all in this colour, similar to the young woman’s pink cardigan on my vision board.  Colour has an energy vibration and clearly I will benefit from wearing this colour.

To think I could have missed all this if I’d stayed safe in the Cotswolds where my friends and clients were and not moved to Padstow where I didn’t know anybody.

Synchronicity online

Once happily ensconced in Padstow I decide to go fishing.  This time online – and for romance.  I intend to restrict myself to a local haul and catch a Cornish man.  I pay for a month’s fishing rights but, as my vision board would have it, I met Sam on the first day. It just so happened to be his first day online too.

Serendipity for sure – and a cosmic joke, because I thought Fordingbridge (where Sam lived) was in Cornwall whereas it was in the New Forest. Too late and already a little smitten, we contemplated the almost 4-hour drivetime between us.  And we persisted.  Curiously Sam had moved from Kent to Fordingbridge when I had moved from the Cotswolds to Padstow.  Another example of synchronicity at work.

A lengthy correspondence ensued, reminding me of the stack of love letters and the vintage post box (top right on my vision board).  It was to be five weeks before we met.  No wonder the lovers are silhouetted on my vision board.  Yet there’s no denying the man’s profile is similar to Sam’s despite being silhouetted. Or that I have wavy hair.

Other ways my vision board predicts romance


The blue-eyed, fair-haired man in uniform on my board is intriguing.  It’s a self-portrait of a veteran officer who was blasted to smithereens in the Afghanistan war and his body reconstructed.

When Sam showed me a portrait of himself, painted by his best friend who’s exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery, I was astounded.  He too has blue eyes and fair hair and was painted with a similar look of defiance about him.

Sam started his career in uniform with the London Metropolitan police, and progressed to running a surveillance operation for serious crime.  Tracking criminals around the globe, he drove fast when needed and carried a gun because he had to.  Highly commended for his work, he never officially received a medal like the veteran but the similarities work for me all the same.  My very own James Bond.

Love of the sea

The references to the sea all over my board are a remarkable coincidence because Sam shares my love of the sea.  But while he holds a Yacht Master qualification and has sailed across the Atlantic many times, I have barely sat on a sail boat. It would make no logical sense for me to place a yacht on my vision board before I met him.  But it does make excellent intuitive sense now.

Goose & water vole

The goose stands large and proud at the top of my vision board. Symbolically goose is a fearless protector. Loyal and devoted. Warm-hearted and hardworking. Values cooperation and companionship. I can certainly see the goose in Sam more so than the pirate, although geese can be skilled water navigators like pirates too.

Contrast the goose with the water vole (bottom of my board) and you’ve an unlikely pair.  I can identify with water vole that almost became endangered after we introduced the American mink. Endangered was certainly how I felt during the time before Covid and wondering whether I would survive. Now water vole are a protected species, living on the edge where land meets water.  With my big ‘goose’ beside me that’s certainly how I feel; blessed and protected.


The two wheels beneath the goose’s feet make me smile.  My ‘goose’ has provided me with two sets of wheels since I’ve known him. The use of his BMW so I can whiz around the country for Feng Shui consultations and Intuitive Vision Board workshops. 

And a beautiful bike named Jewell by the manufacturer (NB the jewelled wheel on my board.) Not having had a bike for many years and with no intention to buy one, it’s amazing that I should have placed a young couple having fun on a push bike on my board and now find myself regularly cycling the Camel Trail in Padstow.


The knot next to the goose is another strange one until I explored the symbolism of it.  There’s the obvious tying of the knot between two lovers.  While the Trinity Knot represents the three cycles of womanhood – also depicted by other imagery on my board. The woman (mother) emerging from behind the Crone (her mother) and the child they both originated from.  The child also reminds me of my daughter at that age with her dog. .


My first encounter with a multi-layered cake like the one on my board was in St Ives.  Since then I’ve discovered artisan bakers and home-sprung tea rooms proliferate in Cornwall.  To me these cakes are more than yummy.  They are a symbol of Cornish independent thought and entrepreneurship that I admire and which I aim to encourage in the work I do to foster happiness. 

2021 was my year for romance – with the sea, with Cornwall and with Sam – as foretold by my intuitive vision board. The landscape is breath taking, the villages quaint and colourful, the big skies inspire my vision for life. And now soul mate to share all this with.


About Mary Nondé

As the originator of the Intuitive Vision Board, I can show you how to create your big picture. In other words, how to become your own best authority over the direction your life should take when you rely more on your intuition and less on your logic.  

I should know this works, even under duress, because once upon time a metaphorical hurricane whipped through my life and flattened the lot.  Faced with a crisis of this magnitude and blindsided by it, I created a new vision board.  Unquestionably this vision board proved to be my lifesaver, providing solutions to my challenges in a way I would not previously have conceived possible.

I’m the author of ‘Awaken Your Intuitive Vision – unlocking possibilities you never knew existed AVAILABLE ON AMAZON. Or available to order from your local book store.

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